Rihanna made headlines when she visited India to attend Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding bash in Jamnagar, Gujarat. Now, a previously unseen video of her grooving to Chaleya from Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has surfaced online.
In the video that is now doing the rounds of X, Rihanna can be seen vibing to Shah Rukh Khan’s Chaleya near the DJ’s console. Check it out here:
Rihanna vibing on SRK’s Chaleya song at Ambani event pic.twitter.com/UZ57irC6M5
— sohom (@AwaaraHoon) March 12, 2024
Earlier, a picture featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Rihanna had gone viral.
Rihanna went desi during her visit to India. She also danced to Zingaat alongside Janhvi Kapoor at the pre-wedding bash. Janhvi shared a video of the moment and captioned it, “This woman is a goddess. stop it goodbye.”