The upcoming film Amar Singh Chamkila, starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, is set to release on April 12 on a leading OTT platform. Prior to the film’s release, the makers unveiled a song titled Ishq Mitaye from the movie. Now, the makers have decided to treat the audience with a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the song, featuring Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti Chopra, and Imtiaz Ali, the director of the film.
The song Ishq Mitaye, released in February, was sung by Mohit Chauhan and composed and produced by A. R. Rahman, receiving a positive response from the audience. The making video showcases Imtiaz Ali directing and interacting with the crew, including the main leads, highlighting the efforts put into the film.
The Imtiaz Ali directorial is scheduled to release this Baisakhi and tells the story of Punjab’s original rockstar Amar Singh Chamkila, fondly referred to as the Elvis Presley of Punjab.
With the release of this making video, fans are even more excited to see the film.