Target shopper leaves cart for ‘understaffed store to re-stock’ as he blasts locked shelves – only 3 items weren’t caged

Target shopper leaves cart for ‘understaffed store to re-stock’ as he blasts locked shelves – only 3 items weren’t caged


A TARGET customer left his cart in the aisle after becoming outraged by locked-up items.

The shopper noted the retail chain’s lack of employees, with only two available cashiers.

A Target customer raged over the store's controversial anti-theft measure on Facebook


A Target customer raged over the store’s controversial anti-theft measure on FacebookCredit: Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images – Getty
The shopper was angered over the amount of items the retailer had locked up


The shopper was angered over the amount of items the retailer had locked upCredit: Photo by: Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images – Getty

Target has come under fire for locking up its items.

The controversial anti-theft measure has left customers angered at the inconvenience.

In August 2024, Bloomberg published an article about how the lockups and Target, CVS, and other retailers have “backfired.”

An angry customer responded to the story in a Facebook post, claiming that during his last visit to Target, he only purchased three items because the rest were locked behind cases.

He also claimed there were only two cashiers open.

“Tell me something that I, as a frustrated would-be customer, didn’t already know,” the fuming shopper wrote, in part.

He continued, in part, “I was in Target this week for the first time in many months. Left with just three items, because not only were others locked up, but only two cashiers were open.

“So the rest of the cart sat in an open aisle for an understaffed store to re-stock.”


Back in November 2023, CNBC’s Courtney Reagan asked Target CEO Brian Cornell if the store had experienced a sales decline due to customers being inconvenienced by having to wait for items.

Cornell said customers were pleased with the lock-up measures.

“Courtney, just in the last week I’ve been on the East Coast and on the West Coast in many of those stores that you’ve talked about where, items have been locked up,” he said.

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“And actually what we hear from the guests is a big thank you, because we are in stock with the brands that they need when they’re shopping in our stores.

“And because we’ve invested in team member labor in those aisles and make sure we’re there to greet that guest, open up those cases and provide them the items they’re looking for.”

After Reagan once again asked about a sales drop, Cornell replied, “Courtney, in many cases, it’s just the opposite.

Target’s anti-theft measures

Target has implemented multiple anti-theft measures to combat crime in the store.

The retail giant has placed some items behind locked cases, which has resulted in customer backlash.

In April 2024, reports surfaced that it is planning to add TruScan cameras to its self-checkout registers.

Target also added weight sensors to its self-checkout registers in another move to combat theft.

“The fact that we’re in stock is what’s most important for the guests.

“And they understand the fact that we’ve had to make some changes to ensure the safety of the product and the fact that they have product in stock when they’re shopping the stores.”


However, despite Cornell’s claims, there has been customer outcry over locked-up items at Target.

In June 2024, a shopper urged the retailer to hire more employees after people were left waiting for assistance.

“Hey @Target if you’re going to keep the majority of your store’s merch behind locked doors you’re going to have to hire more workers to OPEN THEM,” the customer wrote on X.

“Every aisle at my target had people waiting for staff. And waiting. And waiting.”

Another angry shopper also complained about the anti-crime measure on Facebook, saying he had to wait to have a $2 item unlocked at a Las Vegas, Nevada store.

“I’m in Las Vegas and I went to Target to get a few small items like water. They’ve locked many of the shelves to prevent shoplifting,” he wrote.

“So after I finally found what I was looking for, I had to get someone to open the case.

“They have a little red box which says to wave your hand here for help. So I waved. Right hand, left hand, both hands. Nothing. I covered it up with both hands, nothing.

Eventually, an employee came and opened the case, the angry shopper said.

“So what was this item that was locked up tighter than Fort Knox? $75 case of cigarettes?

“No. $30 box of laundry soap? No.

“It was a $2.19 saline nasal spray, aka salt water.”

While Target's CEO defended the retail chain's lock-up measure, many shoppers are unhappy with the controversial anti-theft method


While Target’s CEO defended the retail chain’s lock-up measure, many shoppers are unhappy with the controversial anti-theft methodCredit: Photo by: Deb Cohn-Orbach/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images- Getty
Customers are sick and tired of long wait times at Target


Customers are sick and tired of long wait times at TargetCredit: Photographer: Alex Flynn/Bloomberg via Getty Images – Getty


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