PSA: Make sure helmets are worn during bump-offs.
Promising review: “I ordered these for my 8- and 9-year-old for Christmas. I was worried about if they would ‘fit’ them or not as I didn’t see any dimensions listed (I could have just missed it) and my daughters are polar opposites when it comes to their build — but I wasn’t disappointed! It fits my smallest child, who is VERY petite, but also fits my middle daughter, my teenage daughter, and my husband (even I was able to use them), and it fits everyone comfortably!
Very durable, as my kids have already put them through many ‘kid tests’, lol, and EXTREMELY fun! They take a while to blow up as we did it by mouth (our compressor didn’t have a nozzle to fit the end), but it really wasn’t even THAT bad. Each one has four sides that need to be blown up individually, which I prefer, and you have to ‘push’ the air a little from the bottom to the top while blowing it up to ensure all of it gets filled. Again, none of that is a negative; it’s actually a good thing, IMO. Makes them more durable and easy to fix should they get a hole in them.
These are basically like sock-em boppers (the blow-up punching gloves) but for your whole body…TONS of fun for everyone. We’ve had nonstop laughs with them since Christmas morning. Definitely recommend it for any kid, or even the ‘big kids’ at heart!” —Tasha
Get it from Amazon for $19.99.