I was confused when a  ‘entertainment fee’ was tacked on my bill – but restaurants say it’s ‘standard’ practice

I was confused when a $20 ‘entertainment fee’ was tacked on my bill – but restaurants say it’s ‘standard’ practice


WITH costs high, restaurants and retailers are finding ways to shift expenses onto their customers.

A customer at one restaurant in Georgia recently vented about a $20 fee tacked onto his bill.

Restaurant fees can add surprise costs to your bill


Restaurant fees can add surprise costs to your billCredit: Getty

Dramaine Smith shared his story with the local NBC affiliate 11 Alive.

The incident happened at Katch Kitchen and Cocktails, a high-end restaurant in Tucker, DeKalb County.

That’s just outside Atlanta.

When he got his check, something didn’t add up.

That’s when he noticed a $20 “entertainment fee” meant to pay for the live music performed at the restaurant.


Katch charged Dramaine and his partner each a $10 fee for eating while a live band was playing.

But Dramaine wasn’t happy about it.

“Why do I have to pay you for the entertainment in a restaurant?” Dramaine asked, speaking with the local news.

Katch told 11 Alive the fee was “standard with live performers” to help with costs, and the George Restaurant Association confirmed that such fees are allowed.

The restaurant also said customers are warned about the fee when they make a reservation.

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However, Dramaine said he wasn’t warned.

“You don’t want to have to be consciously looking for extra fees to be on your receipt,” he said.

A TikTok video of the news report gained hundreds of comments.

“I miss when restaurants weren’t trying to be clubs,” one said. “Either charge a cover or put the entertainment cost in your marketing cost. Don’t force a fee.”

“This is why I stop going out to these trendy restuarants in the city because they are all getting out of hand with these fees,” another said.

Others called the fee “greedy” and “sneaky.”


One Dallas restaurant-goer recently shared how a high-end bar charged her a $75 in fees.

She claimed the spot tacked on an extra charge just for ordering her drinks shaken.

In total 75 bucks made it onto her bill thanks to a so-called preparation fee.

Another customer revealed how a “kitchen appreciation fee” made its way onto their bill.

Some have called surcharges “out of hand.”

Fees charged by some banks have led to class action settlements.


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