Apple Cider Vinegar: How Drinking It Every Day Transformed My Health

Apple Cider Vinegar: How Drinking It Every Day Transformed My Health

While the list of positive properties of apple cider vinegar is surprisingly long, there is still very limited research available.

How to add apple cider vinegar to your diet

I drank apple cider vinegar every morning on an empty stomach about 15 minutes before breakfast.

Because of the acidity, you should always do this with water and dilute about two teaspoons of vinegar in 200 ml of water. This is not only important for the taste, but also protects your teeth enamel from the acidity of the vinegar.

The taste of apple cider vinegar is not exactly a treat! However, you do quickly get used to the routine.

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My verdict:

The taste of the apple cider vinegar was definitely a hurdle for me. Nevertheless, I went through with the test, mainly because I noticed the effects of it after just a few days.

By drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning, I actually had the feeling that my entire body was able to get going more quickly. I felt fit and ready for the day more quickly.

I also had the impression that the subsequent breakfast I ate was being digested better and faster. Due to my rather sensitive stomach, I usually feel full or even bloated after breakfast. This feeling was completely absent whenever I drank apple cider vinegar.

After four weeks of drinking apple cider vinegar, my intestinal health had definitely improved and my bloating was much less frequent.

I also noticed that in the month during which I carried out the test, some friends and family members in my immediate circle had a cold or even some kind of summer flu. I, however, was spared any infections or colds. Whether my strong immune system was due to the apple cider vinegar cure or something else, I can’t say for sure.

Tips for drinking apple cider vinegar

Protect your tooth enamel: When drinking the vinegar, it can be useful to use a straw to protect your teeth from the acid.


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