Sam Kerr ‘held in police cell’ on night of alleged racism incident

Sam Kerr ‘held in police cell’ on night of alleged racism incident

Sam Kerr was reportedly held in a police cell after allegedly racially abusing an officer in the UK, with the new detail raising further questions about the Matildas captain’s secrecy.

The 30-year-old pleaded not guilty in a London court this month over the alleged incident that took place in January 2023.

Kerr had been charged via post in January this year but never told Football Australia officials about the looming court date, let alone the incident itself.

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A new report has now revealed for the first time that Kerr was taken into custody and interviewed by police on the night.

Football Australia officials last week pledged their support to Kerr after speaking with the footballer again but it remains unclear how much they learned about the incident.

The latest revelation was outlined in the transcript of the preliminary court hearing where Kerr pleaded not guilty and was warned she would “lose credit” if she wanted to change her plea but waited.

“Should there be any change in your position … the sooner you plead guilty to this matter, if that is your intention and your wish, the earlier you do that the better, do you understand?” Judge Judith Elaine Coello reportedly said, according to News Corp.

“You will lose credit as time goes on and should you be convicted after trial; you will lose all credit you might otherwise have obtained. Are you clear on all of that?”

Kerr replied “yes”.

Lawyers for Sam Kerr will look to have her racial harassment charge in the UK downgraded or dropped. Credit: Jono Searle/AAP

The court reportedly heard that there are “numerous” bodycam clips and “potentially CCTV” of the alleged incident, which is revealed to have taken place outside a police station.

It had previously only been said to have occurred in Twickenham.

Kerr’s lawyers are set to argue an abuse of process at a pre-trial hearing on April 26 and seek to have the charge downgraded or dropped.

Her defence team is reportedly yet to receive two bodycam clips or the transcript and audio of her interview with police.

That hearing comes ahead of a trial slated for four days in February next year.

It was previously reported that the Judge Coello told Kerr’s barrister Grace Forbes: “I understand that the defence is that she didn’t intend to cause alarm, harassment or distress to the officer, (her behaviour) did not amount to it and it was not racially aggravated.”

More to come …


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