19 Teachers Share Hard Truths Parents Need To Accept

19 Teachers Share Hard Truths Parents Need To Accept


“The number of parents I see who treat elementary school like it doesn’t matter is maddening. I used to babysit for a family who decided they wouldn’t make their child do their homework because ‘it’s kindergarten.’ Sure, you can think homework in kindergarten is dumb; I do, and I went to school for teaching. However, not doing the assignment is having a negative impact on their grade. Not to mention what you’re communicating to their child about the importance of their schoolwork.”

“It is MUCH easier to establish good study habits from the start than it is to do fuck all until they’re 12 and then try to instill some kind of academic work ethic (and undo all the bad habits you taught them). 

The work isn’t always going to be as easy as ‘color in this worksheet,’ and your kid needs strategies to deal with that. Which is much easier to do when the work is ‘color in this worksheet’ than in five or six years when it’s a project that will take weeks to complete.”



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