Pro tip: For the most therapeutic effect (increased melatonin, decreased cortisol, and less stress/anxiety), go for a blanket that is roughly 10% of your body weight. It doesn’t hurt to go heavier, but it does take some time to get used to, so give it a few days! Read more about how to choose a weight and what these blankets help with and how from Cleveland Clinic.
Promising review: “I sleep like a rock — night after night — under this blanket. I’m still amazed by how well I sleep and how much consistent great sleep helps my attitude, stress resiliency, positive healthy choices, and problem solving skills in just about everything. I’ve tried all sorts of things to get a good night’s sleep and this just works for me. Wish I had tried a weighted blanket years ago. Pretty amazing. The beads are evenly distributed, the weight is consistent throughout the night, it’s comfortable, and has held up perfectly.” —Bill H.
Get it from Amazon for $39.99+ (available in 6 sizes/weights and 11 colors/patterns).